Oxford Figshare TEI Viewer

The Text Encoding Initiative (TEI), as described by themselves; “is a consortium which collectively develops and maintains a standard for the representation of texts in digital form. Its chief deliverable is a set of Guidelines which specify encoding methods for machine-readable texts, chiefly in the humanities, social sciences and linguistics.”  

The word TEI or phrase ‘TEI Projects’ is a commonplace feature of discussions between many scholarly circles in the Humanities Division at Oxford, and more broadly amongst Digital Humanities globally. This is exactly why the SDS service was keen to ensure we made plans to consider how we could best support this community at the University. 

In conjunction with our technology provider Figshare, the SDS service has developed a native TEI Viewer for the SDS platform. This feature allows researchers to upload TEI encoded XML files to their accounts, and then publish and view the Texts in the browser via the platform's interface. At present the viewer has only been built to accommodate TEI-Lite & Epidoc schemas. However, our ambition is to continue to work with researchers at the University to help us identify and define other schemas, which the TEI community would benefit from seeing be developed for the viewer. 


Please click below to watch a video walk-through of the new TEI Viewer:




The University of Oxford has a proud history of supporting many world leading projects that include TEI as a core feature, and the SDS service very much wanted to continue this tradition of offering support. If you have any comments, questions or feedback do let us know. Also, if you are an Oxford researcher working with TEI and interested in additional schemas being added to the viewer, we would especially love to hear from you too.